My Favorite Website

I'm not a fan of internet but my favorite website is the animal planet web site because I always find beautiful pictures of animals and information of them, Is very interesting. I don't visit it very often, but it is the one I like the most. I found in it more entertaining photos and fun videos than anything else. I love the videos of baby animals, they are so sweet and the videos of wild animals are very interesting. I found this site because I like watching the animal planet channel and is also looking a lot of pictures of different animals as strangers, or just different. In general I love anything related whith animals and in all time I'm finding website that have information or publish things of diferens types of animals. Sometimes I found animals very stranger that scare me but I think that every animal is lovely.


Sibo-sk8er said...

katiaa ohhh, you know? also my love that site, but I could not think or not I remembered to put it. I too like it but more for wild animals. I am passionate about that wild life :)

see you .. bye *.*

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